Commissioned Packages of Care
Fully managed care services

Our fully managed commissioned packages of care are tailored to the unique requirements of each client. From lifetime sustainable solutions to short-term, temporary support, we take the pressure away from Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), enabling commissioners to have longer-term, more strategic conversations with families.
Should a client’s needs ever change, we have the unique ability to transition or step down from nurses to support workers to reduce costs.
Our fully managed service includes:
72-hour package set-up: Our world-class recruitment and onboarding processes enable us to have a nurse available and compliant to care in 72 hours when required.
Extensive teams: Each client has a service delivery manager, regional clinical lead and care coordinator.
Clinical governance: Our robust clinical governance and infrastructure mean we can quickly adapt our service, to safely reduce or step-up care in line with a client’s changing needs.
Leading care: Our clinical leads conduct clinical assessments and reassessments, creating care plans that the entire care team works to. All care plans are consistently tailored to the needs of each client.
Support: 24 x 7, 365 days a year clinical and operational support line for each client and their care team. Always available and responsive, with business, clinical and operational capacity, expertise and availability around the clock.
Reporting: Monthly reports and quarterly meetings with a service delivery manager highlighting shift coverage, clinical updates, safeguarding, quality management for each client.
Simplified invoicing: We make invoicing easy, with a client ID on each invoice page, so it’s easy to reconcile.
Stock control: We regularly check the stock of medicines and medical equipment, proactively reporting when stocks are due to run low
Case studies
Kian's story
We worked collaboratively with an Integrated Care Board (ICB) to set up and facilitate a safe discharge home and ongoing package of care for twin, Kian.
We have had a significant impact on Kian and his family’s life. Since his discharge home, Kian has made significant progress and continues to meet key milestones, a true testament to the expert care we provide at Pulse Nursing at Home.
Click the video below to hear the story in full.
Get in touch
For more information about our fully managed service or to book a no-obligation meeting with one of our specialist business managers to discuss how we can support you, please complete the enquiry form below and we will be in touch:
Enquiry Form
Please note - if you are looking to register or apply to work for Pulse Nursing at Home as a Nurse or a Support Worker please click here.