
Celebrating a successful 2022 at Pulse Nursing at Home

By Emma Woods on 22/12/22

Thank you to everyone at Pulse Nursing at Home for playing a vital role in the success of 2022. The number of adults and children we care for has grown considerably, and we have seen many of our clients’ care stabilise and have supported them to achieve their goals and aspirations.

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A guide to practising mindfulness for healthcare professionals

By Emma Woods on 15/03/22
Tagged in wellbeing

Mindfulness is a type of meditation where you focus on being aware of your senses, thoughts and being present at the moment without being interrupted or judged. Knowing what mindfulness is and how to practise it is something not many healthcare professionals know about. That’s why we’ve created our very own practising mindfulness guide.

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Rational Detachment: Shutting Off After Work

By Emma Woods on 13/08/21

Nurses and support workers can find detachment challenging because they are highly caring and compassionate people. It can mean ‘switching off’ from a difficult, tiring or, highly emotional day at work can be hard. In today’s blog, Clinical Nurse Manager, Nikki, shares her top tips on how to rationally detach after a shift.

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Top tips for improving sleep

By Emma Woods on 22/07/21

We all have times when we find it hard to fall asleep and not wake up during the night. How we sleep and how much we sleep can impact our mental and physical health. In our latest blog, we’ve compiled together our top tips to help you improve your sleep.

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A day in the life of a support worker

By Emma Woods on 11/06/21

For Carers Week, we want to shine a light on our support workers and the fantastic work they carry out daily. We have asked one of our night shift support worker’s, Cassie, to give us a detailed insight into her role and what it's like working in the caring profession.

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