Tips to manage loneliness

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Loneliness is something we all deal with at some point in our lives. Loneliness causes people to feel unwanted, empty and alone. Those who are lonely can often crave human contact, but their state of mind can make it difficult for them to form connections with other people.

Loneliness can be caused by many things. Drastic changes in people's lives such as grief, divorce or moving to a new house can bring on the feeling of loneliness. There are many ways to overcome loneliness. Each person is different, so what works for them; may not work for you. We have gathered our top tips for managing loneliness from many valuable resources. Here are the top methods to try.

Patience is key

It’s important to take your time when trying to manage loneliness. It’s not an easy thing to overcome, but it can be done. Allow yourself time to process your loneliness and try different approaches to managing it. If something doesn’t work for you, that’s perfectly normal, you can try something new. It’s important to not push yourself too far; you don’t want to overwhelm yourself and feel worse.

Know when to seek professional support

There are many different types of support available. Some people find seeking support from services such as Mind to be very helpful. You can contact your local Mind to see what types of support are available in your area.

Don’t compare yourself to others

Each person is different and deals with loneliness in their own way. There are many methods and approaches to managing loneliness. It’s important to not compare yourself to others; focus on yourself and what you need to manage your loneliness.

Spend time with loved ones

If you prefer to stay at home, you can still reach out to family and friends without having to meet up in person. Chatting through video or voice calls is a great way to keep in touch and open up. Sometimes a conversation is all you need. This is a great way to receive support from loved ones but also stay connected.

Journal your thoughts and feelings

Writing your thoughts and feelings down on paper can help to relieve stress. Journaling can help to prioritise problems and fears, track day-to-day behaviours so you can recognise symptoms, and provide you with an opportunity for positive self-talk.

Stay busy

Keeping yourself busy can take your mind off how you are feeling. As the weather is getting better, try to make the most of it. Spending time in a green space, exercising or doing something creative can help you to keep busy and even learn something new.

If you're looking for more tips and advice on managing loneliness, the Marmalade Trust has a vast range of articles and information on its website. Click here to find out more.

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